Cano's Clay

About Cano Graham

How many men in a particular field of human endeavour have been lost to history – especially if their field was one that was relatively unknown and “before its time?” How many struggled immensely, devoted their lives to their chosen field, motivated only by the results they were seeing and the immense potential for human good that could be realize if their knowledge could find the audience it deserved? Like that, Cano Graham never wavered from his commitment to healing clay, documenting its results, and disseminating it wherever it was needed.

It is only fitting that we at CANOS CLAY make sure that Cano is not lost to history and that his critical role in clay therapy is recorded by those who knew him and experienced the wonderful effects of the clay. The following are some stories about him. We invite other stories about him by those who knew him – not just about the clay but anything to do with his life and the many twists and turns it took.

Who was Cano Graham

A Tribute to Cano Graham (from Perry A)

A Tribute to Cano Graham (from Jason Eaton)