Cano's Clay

"We are the Clay Disciples"

Choose to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness; it is a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle.

"When a Man is Willing and Eager, The Gods Join in."

– Aeschylus

Who We are is in Our Logo

At Cano’s Clay, we honor our sources. Thus, there is the hand and the gift of the clay. And the clay is not just earth but light, as all things are at their source. The hand is a woman’s, just as the creative principle is feminine. Shiva is eternally still. He gives birth to all things through the power of the Goddess Shakti. And what is the outline of the mountain? Is it the clay country? No, it is a different mountain, one our business is next to – Arunachala. Cano’s Clay is located in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, and Tiruvannamalai is known throughout the world for Arunachala, the sacred mountain.


Ah, but you ask, “Can a mountain really be sacred? Isn’t this but a myth?” We answer, “How then do you explain the attraction it has had throughout time? How to explain the saints who have come here and sung its praises?”

And, what in particular of that young lad of Tiruchuzhi, who was to write, “From the age of innocence it had shone within my mind that Arunachala was something of surpassing grandeur.” And didn’t it bring this lad at the age of sixteen, in 1896, to Tiruvannamalai, to remain here – never venturing farther than a mile from the mountain – and become known the world over as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi?

Ramana Maharshi

We say, “Look, just look! Where in all the world do you see such a being? And when you look, where is your doubt now?” Ramana proclaimed that Arunachala is the spiritual heart of the earth. It seems only right that the clay should find its new home in India at Arunachala.

Our company is named after Cano Graham, who devoted thirty years of his life to exploring the healing power of this clay and spreading the message wherever he could. Near the end of his life he was working with the Pima Indians, and focused on using clay therapy to address the many problems associated with Type II Diabetes. Before he died he was made an honorary member of the tribe.

And the legacy goes further back than Cano. He learned of the clay from the “old timers” in the small town where he was to build his clay resort. And then he met Native Americans who told him they could remember their grandfathers and great-grandfathers telling them of journeying to use the clay. And what of the animals in the natural world who undoubtedly ate the clay? Pet owners discover that their animals love the clay, especially when they are sick. It is clear to us that this clay has a legacy that goes back through ages of time. We at Cano’s Clay see ourselves as continuing that legacy.

We are a 100% owned and operated Indian company. We maintain the highest health and safety standards. Yes, there are owners and a manager and different laborers, but we view ourselves as “family,” bonded by a single goal – to bring this clay wherever it is needed.

Mano Henry
Alexander Inbaraj

Padre Pio, the Patron Saint of our Christian Workers